Sunday, November 13, 2011

Angels, Demons and Cinnamon Rolls

Yesterday included a long day of baking for me. I started with a "Big Batch" of cinnamon rolls, made homemade pita pockets and finished up with some homemade granola bars. So, this morning, I enjoyed one (okay - two) of the cinnamon rolls while listening to my favorite pastor, Greg Laurie, via podcast. Anyway, I wanted to show you what I was up to yesterday and provide you the fantastic links to the recipes I used. First, I made the "Big Batch Cinnamon Rolls." I have to say this is a great recipe for making cinnamon rolls and I was so happy to have found it! It's easy and makes a TON of cinnamon rolls (perfect for sharing with a friend or for taking to work one morning to surprise your co-workers). I made them to keep a batch for us and to share the other with my sister who just had a brain tumor removed.

Don't they look fantastic! You can make them yourself - Here's the recipe.

I haven't tasted (or photographed) the pita pockets so I'm not sure how good they are but they sure look good. If you are interested in that recipe you can find it here. I will make one note - when she calls for you to lightly flour them so they don't stick - be generous with the flour otherwise they do stick. And, to conclude my day of baking I made some homemade granola bars. I'm addicted to granola bars because they are so easy to make and you can customize them to your preference. I changed this recipe to include Craisens and coconut. I also do dark chocolate and coconut. Here's what they look like: 
Sorry, I forgot to give you the link to the recipe - you can find it here. Enjoy!

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